Author: Milan

  • Moja iskustva kao Investitora

    Investitor je u našem poslu svetinja, uostalom kao i u svim drugim oblastima života. Od Investitora potiču ideje o razvoju, odluke o potrebama za izgradnjom određene infrastrukture, kao dela uređenog i održivog sistema (ima puno kibernetike u ovoj vrsti posla i preporučujem da se makar malo pozabavite ovom naukom). Ove odluke donose benefite celoj našoj struci, korisnicima i naravno, našoj zemlji. Investitor je taj koji treba da ima petlju i viziju i da pogleda u budućnost, da prepozna šta može i šta treba da bude urađeno sada. Investitor mora da ima najiskusnije, najpametnije i najsposobnije ljude u svojim timovima. On je taj koji mora da ubedi dnevnu politiku da su potrebne određene akcije, danas, kako bi benefiti za zajednicu bili veliki sutra. On je taj koji mora da se bori sa zaparoženom administracijom (da je modifikuje i prilagodi današnjici), sa lošim i zastarelim zakonima (da ih modernizuje i menja), sa sitnim interesima (da ih generalizuje u opšte, dobre interese), sa nedostatkom vizije za period “posle nas” (uživaj posle u urađenom u naše vreme), sa fanatičnom odbojnošću prema preuzimanju odgovornosti za lična dela i nedela (ko radi taj i greši, a ko ne radi treba da dobije otkaz). 24 sata dnevno, 7 dana u nedelji mora da traje ova borba.

    Investitorski poziv ima dve oštro podeljene uloge. Ulogu Planera i ulogu Implementatora.

    Za dobro obavljanje uloge Planera mora se steći veliko iskustvo i proći ceo razvojni put od Biroa do Izvođenja i stavljanja objekta u upotrebu. Treba raditi kao Projektant, kao Urbanista, kao Nadzor i imati iskustva sa gradilišta. Mora se imati potpuni uvid u globalnu sliku, a u isto vreme voditi računa i o detaljima. U ovoj ulozi Investitor najšire gleda na problem i ciljevi su mu globalni, sa jednom mišlju vodiljom, a to je razvoj za zadovoljenje potreba Korisnika. Veoma kompleksna oblast jer je pojam Korisnika jako širok, od države i njenih potreba, do svih zastupljenih demografskih grupa koje treba da funkcionišu u sitemu koji planiraš. Naravno da su Investitorski timovi multidisciplinarni i svi članovi moraju imati osećaj za globalne potrebe, a u isto vreme i osećaj za potrebe svih ostalih disciplina koje su u okviru sistema. Svaka od disciplina se bavi svojim podsistemom, sa stalnim prilagođavanjem drugim podsistemima i koordinacijom globalnog sistema.

    Konkretno. To je faza u kojoj vodiš računa o širokim zonama i o onome što prirodno pripada tim zonama. Ukoliko postoje elementi kojima nije tu mesto, treba ih dislocirati u odgovarajuću zonu (recimo na projektu Ada mosta, pozicija Jugopetrola u okviru te zone nije bila prihvatljiva i trebalo je dislocirati), praznine koje bi tom prilikom nastale treba popuniti novim adekvatnim sadržajima ili proširenjem postojećih (za isti projekat, taj prostor se mogao iskoristiti za proširenje postojećeg Hipodroma prema svetskim normama kako bi mogao da bude podoban i za održavanje internacionalnih događaja, za šta sada ne ispunjava propisane uslove), postojeće prirodne resurse treba očuvati i urediti (uređenju topčiderske reke, očuvanje staništa Malog Vranca, čišćenje Čukaričkog rukavca, zaštita od svih polucija Topčiderskog brda, očuvanje istorijskih vrednosti, Mašin majdan), uvođenje čistih i jeftinih masovnih prevoznih sredstava (nove metro linije, nove tramvajske linije), uloga faza implementacije i njihov uticaj na širu zonu (preuzimanje dela saobraćaja sa gradskog auto-puta i relaksiranje gradske mreže), povezanost sa drugim projektima (stvaranje uslova za implementaciju SMT-a, probijanje Bulevara Umetnosti, priprema prostora za nove železničke i autobuske putničke stanice), izrada svih mogućih varijantnih rešenja (pozicija mosta na prevlaci preko Ade Ciganlije, tunel ispod reke na uzvodnom špicu Ade Ciganlije), ocena svih predloga i izrada studija opravdanosti, planiranje sledećih faza implementacije (Topčiderski tunel, čvor Autokomanda, Mokroluški saobraćaj i veza na gradski auto-put) itd. Ovo je deo priče i samo za usku zonu uticaja ovog projekta, kao primer. Naravno tu je i planiranje svih potrebnih resursa (ogroman posao, a samo ću nabrojati neke od njih), pare, vreme, ponuda tržišta sa materijalima i slobodnim ljudskim resursima, izvođačima, projektantima, komunalnim službama itd. Ovo je samo mali uvid u kompleksnost Planerske uloge Investitora. Da bi sebi dočarali obim posla, preslikajte ovo na ceo grad (GUP), pa na Opštine i na kraju na celu državu. Redosled treba da bude obrnut u samom procesu planiranja razvoja.

    Planerski proces je uvek prisutan, u toku, i on se stalno razvija i prilagođava. U nekom trenutku “se steknu uslovi” i prelazi se u fazu implementacije određenih, prioritetnih projekata. Dobrog Investitora ti uslovi zatiču potpuno spremnog, jer je stalno u toku sa Planerskom fazom i “priprema teren” za fazu implementacije.

    U fazi implementacije određenog projekta, Investitor preuzima ulogu Implementatora (sprovodi i koordinira Projekat do njegovog potpunog uspešnog završetka). Ovde se vrši sužavanje globalnih ciljeva, na samo jedan. Projekat. Ovde je Investitor promovisan u Project Managera. Sada su važni Detalji. Prema mom iskustvu, Investitor treba da ima u svojoj strukturi nezavisno odeljenje koje će se baviti detaljnom proverom novčanih tokova i odeljenje za pružanje Informacija zainteresovanim stranama na Projektu i za odnos sa javnošću. Sve ostalo treba da bude zastupljeno u timu Konsultanta koordinatora na Projektu (Project Manager and Engineer – PME), konkretno za taj Projekat.

    Kao Projektant sam imao sreće, da sve što sam isprojektovao, je neko i izveo. U to vreme sam mislio da je to “prokletstvo”, jer sam često provodio više vremena na gradilištima nego u birou, jer sam uvek vršio projektantski nadzor tokom izvođenja radova. Sada znam, da je to bila ona nadogradnja znanja i iskustva koja načini od nekoga dobrim projektantom. Iz tog perioda i nakon tih iskustava, sam pobornik stava da za Investitora treba da se rade Idejna rešenja i projekti za dozvole, a da Izvođački projekat treba da se radi pod okriljem Izvođača. Varijantna rešenja, faznost, uklapanje u postojeće sisteme, prioratizacija, treba da bude u rukama Investitora Planera. Postojeće stanje na terenu, do koga se došlo istražnim radovima, Izvođački detalji, putni objekti, uklapanje u postojeće stanje, infrastrukturni sistemi i njihovo prilagođavanje, popravljanje, modifikovanje, treba da bude uključeno u fazu Izvođenja. Preko Projektanta, Investitor dobija komplektnu sliku o obimu radova, problemima i rizicima na konkretnom Projektu. Projektant treba da je sastavni deo tima Izvođača (ali kontrolisan od strane Investitora) i kao takav po definiciji pruža uslugu projektovanja koja mora da zadovolji sve uslove Investitora, a da je ujedno 100% izvodljiv i sa svim detaljima koji ne usporavaju Izvođača, već naprotiv, ubrzavaju radove i daju veći stepen iskorišćenosti Izvođačevih resursa (dostupna tehnologija i faznost izgradnje). Zašto bi Investitor plaćao, skupo, Izvođački projekat kada nisam video ni jedno projektno rešenje koje nije imalo veći broj izmena u toku Izgradnje. U većini slučajeva su ove projektne dokumentacije rađene radi dobijanja povoljnijih Ponuda od Izvođača, a u najvećem broju slučajeva su dobijane “nepotpune” globalne slike koje su bile uzrok kašnjenja završetka radova i probijanja planiranih ugovorenih cena (ne predviđeni i naknadni radovi), pogotovo na Projektima koji traju duže od jedne građevinske sezone. Nažalost, za ovakve slučajeve ima previše primera u našoj praksi. Projektantske kuće mogu da oforme svoj tim sa kojim konkurišu za određeni Projekat još u Fazi izrade Idejnih rešenja i da na kraju budu uključeni u tim Izvođača radi izrade Izvođačkog projekta i Projekta izvedenog stanja, svo vreme pod kontrolom Investitora.

    Pokušavam da predočim Sistemsku grešku, čije posledice na kraju najviše pogađaju Izvođača i vršioca Nadzora nad izvođenjem radova. Od Ideje do upotrebne dozvole, Investitor, Projektant i Nadzor su uslužne delatnosti koje se stavljaju u službu uspešnog završetka Projekta. Oni su oformljeni, okupljeni i rade na “tom” projektu. Onaj koji treba da kruniše njihov rad i da to sprovede na terenu je Izvođač. Jednostavno je postaviti prioritete na svakom Projektu. Svi zajedno, sve usluge, ne bi trebale da pređu 10% vrednosti ukupne cene Projekta. Ostalih 90% vrednosti Projekta su kod Izvođača. Čiji je prioritet najvišlji? Projektant je uključen u tim Izvođača (kontrola Investitora je uključena u fazi izrade projektne dokumentacije, direktno i preko Tehničke kontrole), Nadzor se bavi dodatnom kontrolom tehničkih rešenja, kvalitetom i koordinacijom Ugovora (opet sve u ime Investitora) i to kao jedan tim na “tom” Projektu. Sve izmene koje Investitor ima kao zahtev, Nadzor kao odgovoran za kvalitet, mogu preko Projektanta (Izvođača) da budu sprovedene potpuno transparetno sa benefitima i za Investitora i Izvođača. Svi problemi i potencijalni rizici su u potpunosti pod kontrolom Investitora i Nadzora, a to im daje mogućnost da uspešno obave svoju funkciju na Projektu, otklanjanje svih prepreka koje se nađu na putu Izvođaču ka uspešnom završetku posla. I to je jedini ispravni put.

    Investitor nema tim koji može da vodi Projekat ili više Projekata u isto vreme. Što je i logično. Teorijski, Investitor može da bude pravnik, ekonomista i bilo šta drugo po struci van branše. Timovi se okupljaju oko Projekata i niko ne treba da drži na plati ljude koji će mu “možda” trebati. Investitor treba da oformi centralno savetodavno telo koje će da stručno (na osnovu iskustva) određuje prioritete, i pravi Programe razvoja. Na osnovu tih saznanja da vodi izradu Idejnih rešenja i dobijanja svih potrebnih dozvola, od Gradskih struktura i Ministarstava. Da uposli Konsultanta koji će pripremiti tendersku dokumentaciju za obavljanje usluge PME (koordinatora na svakom od Projekata) i da uz tesnu saradnju sa PME za “taj” Projekat uspešno ga privede kraju.

    Na kraju, dobar Investitor, Projektant, Nadzor i Izvođač imaju samo jedan cilj. Uspešno stavljen Projekat u funkciju. Ako cilj nije postignut svi su na gubitku.


  • Da li je produktivnost na Mac OS-u stvarno veća

    2007 godine sam kupio svoj prvi Mac iz dva razloga.

    Prvi razlog je bio u nedovoljnom poznavanju ovog operativnog sistema na našim prostorima. To mi je obezbedilo dovoljnu sigurnost podataka koje sam čuvao na njemu jer sam tada prvi put osetio šta znači kada ti neovlašćeno priđu podacima i iskoriste ih, javno. Naši računari su bili na Win operativnim sistemima i povezani u lokalnu mrežu, a podaci su bili zaštićeni šiframa. Ipak je pristupljeno tim podacima. Nabavio sam MacBook i kupio iPhone. Od tada više nisam imao problema sa neovlašćenim pristupima podacima. Ovaj potez je eliminisao i mogućnost postavljanja trojanaca i raznih virusa na ove mašine. Ustvari, kada si na otvorenom, na netu, normalno je, statistički, da pokupiš neke od ovih buba ali je caka bila u tome da se one nikada nisu aktivirale na Mac mašini. Bile su pisane za Win operativni sistem.

    Drugi razlog je bila Apple-ov prelazak na jeftinije Intel procesore, objava Snow Leopard OSX operativnog sistema i počela je prodaja iPhona. OSX operativni sistem, si dobijao besplatno uz kupljeni računar, bio je više puta jeftiniji od MS Win, ako si ga kupovao posebno, i nije bio komplikovan za registraciju. U jednom trenutku sam imao 4 kupljene legalne kopije Win-a, jer nisam mogao da ih registrujem iz nekog samo MS poznatog razloga. Kupio sam jednu kopiju Snow Leoparda i dan danas je imam, a već godinama unazad je OSX besplatan, dok se Win još uvek plaća i uvek će se plaćati. Sa jeftinijim Intel procesorom, Mac-ovi su postali dostupni i srednjoj klasi koja je sve više koristila personalne računare. Još uvek su bili dosta skuplji od prosečnih brendiranih PC mašina ali sam u proseku koristio svaki više od tri godine. Za te tri godine prosečan PC je bio van stroja 2 godine, pogotovo ako su ga koristila deca.

    Sada koristim MBP iz kasne 2013, koji ima 15” ekran, 16GB rama i SSD disk kapaciteta 512GB. Naravno i retina displej. Znači, bez problema radi već 5 godina, a i sada kada bi kupovali ovakvu mašinu, to bi bila mašina iz top ponude i u Mac i u PC svetu. Operativni sistem OSX je prirodniji za rad i toliko je inovacija bilo u Snow Leopardu da je te daleke 2007 godine ovaj operativni sistem izgledao kao iz SF filmova, a opet mnogo prirodniji za rad od Win-a u to vreme. Win je napravio veliki skok sa verzijom 10 i sve je bolji. OSX sa svojom stabilnošću i pouzdanošću u radu je doprineo da se oko ovog sistema grupiše većina razvojnih softverskih kuća, a i ogroman broj startup firmi. Od 2007 do 2018 godine potpuno se obrnula slika u izboru dostupnih programskih rešenja za sve oblasti primene računara.

    Moje dete je svoj iMac koristilo punih 6 godina, a još uvek ga koriste nečja deca. Posle se iz praktičnih razloga prebacilo na moj prvi MacBook koji je tada imao već dobrih 9 godina. Sada koristi isključivo iPad. Savet roditeljima, najmanje ćete imati glavobolje ako detetu kupite Mac. Ove mašine dolaze sa preinstaliranim programima koji su interesantni deci, postoje vizualna uputstva kako se koriste (uče i jezik i kako se koriste aplikacije), imaju izvanredne ekrane i zvučne sisteme koji mogu da se kontrolišu na daljinu, sa vašeg iPhone-a, kao daljincem. Sa iPada imate punu kontrolu, možete da posmatrate šta dete svo vreme radi i možete sve potencijalne “kvarove” da rešite iz svog krila, tu gde ste se udobno smestili. Samo čujete iz dečje sobe jedno “Hvala!” i to je sve.

    Strategija Appla oko pravljenja eko sistema desktop Mac, laptop MacBook, iPhone, iPad,Apple Pencil, Apple Watch, i na kraju iCloud je definitivno privukla ogroman broj korisnika i ovim potezom je Apple preuzeo veliki deo tržišta. Ovako oformljen i dobro postavljen sistem je definitivno dobitna kombinacija. Na poslu, na putovanjima i terenu koristio sam MBP, kod kuće samo iPad. Sa verzijom iOS 12 sam potpuno prešao na iPad. iPhone je svo vreme samnom, kao i Apple Watch. Svi podaci su na iCloud-u (Mail, Documents, Photos, Music, Movies…). Izbor aplikacija za, recimo pisanje, je u odnosu 10:1 u korist OSX u poređenju sa drugim operativnim sistemima. Slično je i pri izboru productivity, utility, music i drugih aplikacija. Ne ulazim u detalje ali recimo jedan OmniFocus, Things, iWrite itd. neće nikada biti napravljeni za Win. PDF format je prirodni deo OSX sistema dok pod Win-om je noćna mora. Adobe aplikacije i dalje obavljaju najveći deo kreativnog posla. MS Office aplikacije su posebno pisane za OSX i iOS operativne sisteme ali je Apple razvio svoje office aplikacije na kojima može biti završeno 100% uobičajenog posla u svakodnevnom radu prosečnog korisnika. Potpuno su besplatne, a rade i na svakom web pretraživaču. Ovo su samo opšti primeri na OSX i Win operativnim sistemima, a sve što radi na OSX, radi i na iOS-u, postoji za to aplikacija. Na verziji iOS 11, u početku sam bio na 12.9” pro verziju iPAD-a, a poslednjih 8 meseci sam na 10.5” pro verziji iPada, i nisam bio nikada tako zadovoljan svojim sistemom rada i produktivnošću, koja zavisi od tehnologije. Možete na netu pročitati puno uspešnih priča po ovoj temi.

    Zbog potreba projektovanja uvek sam imao instaliran i Win na Mac mašini kako bih mogao da radim u AutoCAD-u. Uvek mi je Win bolje i stabilnije radio na Mac mašinama, jer su Win drajveri pisani baš za tu Mac mašinu na kojoj sam i radio. Uvek je bilo do 5 različitih modela Mac mašina, samo su se razlikovali tipovi video karata, količina memorije i veličina HD-a. Lako je bilo napisati dobre drajvere za Win. Ista je situacija i danas. Zvuči apsurdno ali bićete zadovoljniji radom u Winu na Apple mašini nego na većini PC mašina.

  • Moja iskustva kao Projektanta

    Završio si fakultet. Bravo majstore! Šta sada? Voleo bih da imaš stalan posao u mestu gde bi i živeo, a da bude u struci. Još ako bi bio u nekom modernom i kvalitetnom birou gde bi mogao puno i da naučiš. Nemaš lažnih predrasuda, tek si završio fakultet i tek sada počinje učenje stvarnih znanja. Svestan si koliko ne znaš ali si u isto vreme spreman da učiš i da se razvijaš. Ti bi da projektuješ. Dobro došao u predivan svet kreativnosti i rešavanja problema. Zašto prvo pišem o projektovanju? Smatram da svima iz struke početni stepenik treba da bude projektovanje. Upuštaš se u koštac sa pravim problemima, a ako i pogrešiš, papir trpi sve i uvek mogu da se isprave sve greške. Možeš da izmišljaš i da crtaš koliko te volja varijantnih rešenja, da gledaš iz ugla izvođača, vozača, pešaka, arhitekte i naravno investitora. Svaka varijanta donosi poboljšanju konačnog rešenja, a to je i cilj.

    Construction, Drawing, Engineering

    Od čega da počneš? Ako si imao sreće i zaposlio si se u firmi gde ima ko da ti bude mentor i da te uvede pravilno u posao, ići će sve lakše i moćićeš na tom svom putu jedan po jedan problem da rešavaš i da se razvijaš. Budi svestan da se to neće desiti preko noći. Postoji i rizik da možda nisi za taj posao. Srećom pa postoje i druge grane struke u kojima se možda pronađeš (geomehanika, izvođenje, nadzor, menadžerski posao, specifični materijali…). Kao projektant ćeš imati prilike da sarađuješ sa ljudima iz svih ovih oblasti i verovatno ćeš se prepoznati u nekoj od njih. Traži svoju priliku i prebaci se kada osetiš da je pravi trenutak. Iskustvo u projektovanju će ti sigurno pomoći kasnije u karijeri. Pisaću i o nekim od ovih oblasti, iz ličnog iskustva. Možda se odmah prepoznaš u tim pričama i potpuno preskočiš fazu projektovanja i odmah uskočiš u te poslove. Oprobaj se ipak u projektovanju prvo, to ti je moj kolegijalan savet.

    Šta da radiš ako posle nekog vremena ne prepoznaš u nekom od kolega svog “nesuđenog” mentora ili ti ne bude dodeljen. Obično su svima u firmi dostupni svi prethodno rađeni projekti. Utroši malo vremena i pogledaj ko je bio odgovorni projektant na svakom od njih i pošto nemaš dovoljno iskustva da proceniš vrednost i kvalitet rešenja, pođi od pretpostavke da je najbolji projektant i potpisao najviše projektnih rešenja. Proglasi ga svojim mentorom, interno , i pokušaj da uspostaviš prvi kontakt. Moraćeš da stekneš njegovo poverenje, a posle ćeš, ako ti je stalo dovoljno, polagano napredovati.

    Men Onsite Man Construction Worker Industr

    Dobar mentor će tvoj prvi projekat uraditi zajedno sa tobom. Osnovno je da ti u startu objasni da to što projektuješ, kada se izvede, treba neko svakog dana da uspešno koristi. Urađeno je previše projekata prema kojima nije moglo da se izvede na terenu ono što je bilo zamišljeno kao projektno rešenje. Imao sam sreću da svaku povučenu liniju u mojim projektima je neko nekada izveo. Svaki projekat moraš uraditi kao da će se sutra izvoditi, baš po tom tvom rešenju. Rešenje koje praviš mora da ima svoju svrhu, da je takvo da može da se izvede i da je dovoljno optimizovano po svim kritičnim elementima (bezbedno, uvek misli na vodu i kako najbrže da je odvedeš sa saobraćajnih površina, da je udobna vožnja, da su primenjeni pravi materijali koji mogu uspešno da koegzistiraju i dovoljno dugo traju, da je sve više puta provereno i dobro dimenzionirano, ovo je za početak). Treba da se počne od Urbanizma, od jako široke slike, od mreže ulica u tom delu grada, koji god bio ili od uloge puta u putnoj mreži zemlje, ako je van naselja. Moraš se upoznati sa idejama koje Urbanizam nameće za to područje grada i koja je svrha izgradnje baš tog bloka ulica i kakvi su sadržaji i razvoj predviđeni za taj deo grada. Moraš detaljno pregledati sve urbanističke planove i shvatiti koju je ideju Urbanista imao (ako si u mogućnosti, urbanisti su uvek raspoloženi za razgovor uz kafu o viziji koju su imali kada su nešto planirali, popi tu kafu). Iz tih planova i studija ćeš steći i uvid u vršna opterećenja tvoje saobraćajnice po tokovima, povezanost u sistemu u kome funkcioniše, a što više iskustva budeš sticao to ćeš moći i da utičeš na izmene tih sistema i da ih popravljaš i preuređuješ prema potrebama stvarnih korisnika. Sve se menja, sve su to živi organizmi i potrebno im je održavanje i omogućavanje pravilnog rada i funkcionisanja ili će u jednom trenutku doživeti kolaps i prestati da postoje. Obavezan je obilazak terena, slikaj sve, nauči imena ulica koje su ti u obuhvatu, oseti prostor i provedi dovoljno vremena da možeš sebi da vizualizuješ kako će taj prostor izgledati kada ga ti oblikuješ. Tako ćeš najbolje steći uvid u probleme koje moraš da rešiš.

    Kada sam počinjao da radim, imao sam sreće da sam imao više mentora iz “stare garde”. Svaki je imao svoj pristup problemu, kao što ćeš i ti izgraditi svoj. Većina je insistirala na koracima koje sam ti opisao u gornjem pasusu, a kako vidiš i ja sam usvojio takav pristup. Bilo je i drugačijih pristupa, sada već legendarnih… Recimo, kada sam radio kao urbanista, divlja gradnja je bila u punom procvatu. Skupili bi smo sve podloge, topografsku, geodetsku, katastarsku, demografsku, vodne karte i sve ostalo po redu. To je bila zakonska osnova koja je definisala prostor koji si trebao da oblikuješ. Čega nema na ovim kartama to ne postoji. Iskusni urbanisti, znajući kakvo je stanje u sistemu, nisu mi dozvoljavali da odem na teren, “ne opterećuj se postojećim stanjem”. Imaš sve od potrebnih ulaza, sedi, razmisli i napravi konceptualno rešenje. Posle više iteracija, finog štelovanja sistema, ideja rešenja je bila konkretizovana. Takav predlog rešenje se nosio kod Investitora. Uvek je Investitor prihvatao ovakav predlog, jer je zakonski jedino ispravan i uvek je, posle prezentacije rešenja, zahtevao da se zajednički obiđe konkretan prostor i u 1 na 1 sagleda primena tog rešenja. Na terenu, kao da si došao u neki drugi deo grada. Često je bio problem prepoznati sistem koji je tu postojao i za šta si dobio podloge i karte. Migracije stanovništva, novčana moć stanovništva, politika, stihija, život su napravile od tog prostora Gordijev čvor, koji se samo mačem može otpertlati. Bili smo u situaciji kada je sprovođenje našeg rešenja zahtevalo rušenje 60-tak tek sagrađenih objekata, u poslednjih godinu dana. Ceo prostor je imao oko 300 kuća. Uvek Investitor odluči da je to prevelika investicija, sprovođenje legalnog rešenja i eto ti novog ugovora za novi plan ali sada prema postojećem stanju na terenu.

    Državni putni sistemi su mnogo rigidniji, skuplji i nikada nisu dovoljno obrađeni u fazama projektovanja. Pripreme za njihovo projektovanje su uvek podcenjene i definitivno su stihijske zato što su direktna posledica političkih odluka, trenutnog stanja budžeta, dobijenih kredita i potpuno haotičnog sistema (ne)planiranja. Imao sam prilike da učestujem u pripremi ponuda za izradu Programa razvoja celih država kao stručnjak za infrastrukturni razvoj. Planiranje i razvoj infrastrukture neke države je potpuno potčinjen faktorima koji su od najvišeg značaja za razvoj jedne države (korišćenje prirodnih resursa, industrijskih grana koje će imati primat u razvoju, migraciji stanovništva i njihovoj koncentraciji u oblastima koje će se razvijati i hiljadu nekih drugih faktora). Kada država ima jasnu sliku svoga razvoja po oblastima onda se praktično prirodno nameću logična i potrebna rešenja koja moraju da se bezuslovno (fanatično) sprovode. Ovde se od prvog dana moraš boriti, kao neko iz struke, da se struka i pita kod planiranja putne mreže tvoje zemlje i to ne samo tvoja struka, nego sve struke koje su uključene u taj proces. Treba da se čuje svako ko je dovoljno stručan u rešavanju ovog multidisciplinarnog problema. To ti je sveta dužnost .

    Kada imaš jasnu sliku o tome šta i za šta treba da projektuješ počinje inženjerski proces. Utvrđuju se mesta koja su diktirajuća po svojoj rigidnosti (objekti), važnosti (veze sa ostakom mreže, najopterećenije deonice i kritične tačke, raskrsnice…) i donose se odluke o ovim limitirajućim tačkama u svetlu prethodnih saznanja iz studija, urbanističkih planova i obilaska terena. Za pošetak, za sve ove elemente obavezno uraditi po dve varijante, ako je moguće i ima smisla. Ovaaj pristup pomaže proširenju tvojih znanja, a često sam imao Investitore koji su zahtevali i po više varijanti radi edukovanja svoji kadrova koji su na osnovu tih varijantnih rešenja i njihovog poređenja sticali iskustvo za donošenje finalnih odluka (sve raskrsnice i prolaske kroz naseljena mesta na 500KM projektovanih puteva i auto-puteva u Libiji, sam uvek crtao u tri varijante, u nivou, kružne raskrnice i denivelisane raskrsnice, a u naseljima da se izbegne rušenje svakog drveta i bunara po svaku cenu). Svaka od ovih tačaka, deonica, je priča za sebe i njihovo rešavanje je tvoj inženjerski posao (to su nas učili na fakultetu). Vodi računa da je bezbednost i preglednost na prvom mestu, potom protočnost jer su to sve prekidi u saobraćajnim tokovima i kod mešovitog saobraćaja da svaki od tipova saobraćaja bude jasno kanalisan i sa što majne komfliktnih tačaka između samih kanalisanih tokova. Danas postoje alati koji ti proces projektovanja u birou čine neizmerno lakšim, flesibilnijim, bržim i kvalitetnijim. Ovladaj tim alatima do najsitnijeg detalja. Koristi dinamičke modele koje možeš u hodu da prilagođavaš sa minimalnim uloženim naporom. Napravi dobru pripremu i počni tako da postavljaš sistem da ti svako buduće modifikovanje automatski prati i izmena svih detalja. Uštedeće ti puno vremena tokom svih iteracija i izmena koje sam budeš radio, a u mnogome će ti pomoći kada Investitor bude tražio varijantna rešenja i gomilu sitnih izmena. U početku, kada smo projektovali u Libiji, Investitor je, iz neznanja i neiskustva, po deset puta tražio razne izmene i vraćao rešenje na doradu. Kako smo od starta koristili dinamički model, svaki put smo jako brzo odgovarali na njegove zahteve, bez reči odbijanja. Za ono što nije bilo inženjerski ispravno ili bi smanjivalo kapacitet i nivo usluge puta smo pisali kratka obrazloženja ali dovoljno jasna da bi potkrepili našu odluku. Rezultat takve saradnje je bio da smo počeli sa projektima od 5km, pa 25km, pa 125km i postali treća projektantska firma u Libiji u kojoj je ovaj posao radilo preko 50 svetski poznatih firmi, za samo dve godine. Potpisali smo ugovor za projektovanje još 500km puteva kada je u Libiji počeo rat. Dinamički model je pravo rešenje, od starta. Kada sam počinjao, sistem u birou je drugačije funkcionisao. Prošao sam kroz sve faze, od figuranta na terenu, geodetski posao, tehnički crtač, pa posao građevinskog tehničara i tek onda sam dobio da računam elemente osovine i podužnog profila, sa digitronom. U ta vremena, radili smo potpunu rekonstrukciju ulica u centralnom delu grada Orana u Alžiru. Završili smo projekat i glavni inženjer je otišao na sastanak sa Investitorom. Kada se vratio, doneo je potpuno novu geodetsku podlogu koju su Alžirci u međuvremenu snimili. Situaciona karta je bila u takvoj razmeri da je bila oko 4 metra dugačka i isto toliko široka. Centralno jezgro grada. Oko četiri dana sam izgubio radirajući istuširane izohipse i kote geodetske podloge samo radi pripreme situcionog plana za proces kopiranja i pravljenje nove podloge za projektovanje. Imali smo posao u Rusiji, Krasnojarsk, u kome smo projektovali ogroman centar za odmor i sport. Pravili smo i veštačko jezero. Kada smo završili kompletan projekat i predali ga Investitoru, došao je zahtev da se celo rešenje sa manjim izmenama geografski pomeri oko par kilometara na drugu lokaciju, jer je Investitor povoljno dobio to novo zemljište. U to vreme smo radili u AutoCAD-u bez specijalizovanih alata. Na kraju smo odustali od ove izmene i tražili novi ugovor, koji nikada nismo dobili. Ovladaj i alatima koji ti dozvoljavaju da praviš 3D modele koje možeš prezentovati. Video sam, skoro, da su programeri napravili takav software da iznad plana nekih mašinskih instalacija preneseš tablet, a na ekranu tableta se kompletan plan sa papira vidi u 3D, u bojama različite instalacije i postrojenja. Fantastično. Zamisli takvu prezentaciju Investitoru za put koji si isprojektovao. Investiraj vreme da u potpunosti savladaš sve ove alate jer je to dobra odluka.

    Izuzetno važna faza učenja je i vršenje projektantskog nadzora. Ako si u dobrom birou, onda će ugovori koje budete pravili imati i klauzulu o vršenju projektantskog nadzora. Slobodno mogu da kažem da sam postao pravi projektant tek kada mi je u obavezu došao i projektantski nadzor. Taj osećaj da se nešto gradi prema onome što si ti isprojektovao je ono što me je i držalo i vuklo napred u bavljenju ovim poslom. Iskustvo koje se stekne na gradilištu pri rešavanju tekućih, dnevnih problema oko detalja i stavljanja sistema u funkciju je neprocenjivo. Menja svest projektanta i gradi mu ličnost. Ne treba se bojati i biti krut i insistirati na sprovođenju tvog rešenja ako je ono očigledno rezultat previda, nedostatka u inputu koji si imao kada si stvarao rešenje. Koristi dinamički model i prilagođavaj rešenja stvarnim uslovima na terenu. Mnogo pomaže i praćenje tehnologije izvođenja kroz sve faze jer to će pročistiti jasnoću detalja za svaki sloj koji nacrtaš. Promeniće ti sigurno i način razumevanja toka procesa organizovanja gradilišta, nabavke i ugradnje materijala, sračunavanja potrebnih količina i sigurno će ti dodati kvalitet u projektna rešenja koja budeš stvarao.

    Posle svih ovih godina veliki sam pobornik deljenja svakog Projekta na manje, logične faze izgradnje. Lakša je nabavka materijala, skladištenje, kontrola radova, kontrola novca, kontrola utrošenih resursa i vremena, koordinacija odvijanja okolnog saobraćaja u mreži, Investitorovi napori da prikaže napredak i manipuliše preklapanjima početaka i krajeva pojedinih faza radi ispunjenja rokova i slično. Da bi ovo bilo efikasno sprovedeno u fazi izvođenja, potrebno je da se još u fazi projektovanja sve ove mogućnosti dobro sagledaju, definišu jasne, logične, tehnološki čiste i izvodljive faze. Kroz Projektantski nadzor se dobija mnogo jasnija slika o svim mogućim fazama iskustveno.

    Nikada ne zaboravi da put, ulica koju projektuješ ima veliki broj pratećih sadržaja. U gradu su tu mreže svih mogućih i nepoznatih infrstrukturnih instalacija. Ako deliš svoj projekat na faze, onda je ovim pratećim sistemima potrebno podariti ekstremno mnogo pažnje jer njihova funcija u faznim sistemima ne mora da prati i funkciju samog puta. Izuzetno tesna saradnja sa svim kolegama koje rade ovaj deo posla radi pronalaženja najkvalitetnijeg rešenja celog sistema. Radio sam projekte koji su bili tako postavljeni u sistemu vrednosti da je sve što bih ja nacrtao i po tome se izvelo, bio je mali deo investicije zbog svih ovih pratećih sadržaja. Najveći konzumentni vremena, a i najveći zastoji u procesu izgradnje su najčešće zbog nekih od elemenata iz ove vrste radova. Od tvog dela obaveza, po ovim radovima, preuzmi na sebe da ti obavezno postaviš kompletne pozicije slivničkih rešetki, insistiraj da budu van kolovozne površine, u trotoaru, parkinzima uz ulicu, zelenom pojasu, bankini i tamo gde im ti odrediš položaj na osnovu nivelacije.

    Za divlje parkiranje nema leka, osim izuzetno visokih kazni i odnošenja vozila. Visoki ivičnjaci su prevelika opasnost za motorcikliste i bicikliste, a nemaju efekta na parkiranje džipova kojima to ne smeta. Protiv toga sam da se parking prostori uz ulice ne odvajaju fizički (ivičnjakom) od ostalih sadržaja, trotoara i kolovoza. Ako se to ne uradi kontrolisano, obično na jednom parking mestu imaš troje vozila parkirano pod pogrešnim uglom i svakodnevna je opasnost da vozila vire na delu prema kolovozu koji najčešće koristi javni saobraćaj čija je bezbednost ovako ugrožena, a sa druge strane se zauzimaju pešačke površine koje nemaju onaj komfor sa kojim su projektovane.

    Položi državni ispit, dobij licencu i počni da odgovaraš za ono što si i uradio. Samo hrabro. Negde u svemu ovome ćeš imati dodira sa ljudima koji vrše Tehničku kontrolu tvog rešenja. Bićeš i ti u prilici da radiš ovo nekome od kolega. Uvek imaj na umu da je projektant utrošio 100 puta više vremena na rešavanju problema na projektu nego što ćeš ti imati mogućnosti da se uključiš aktivno oko aktuelne problematike. Skreni pažnjuprojektantu na, formalne detalje koje projektna dokumentacija mora da ima prema Zakonu, proveru Predmera i predračuna, izboru materijala, tipu kolovozne konstrukcije i na odvođenje vode sa kolovozne površine. Rešenja raskrsnica – kroz razgovor sa projektantom proveri kakva su varijantna rešenja rađena i da li je ispoštovan izlaz iz studija i urbanističkih planova. I naravno, ako ti radiš tehničku kontrolu, predloži da te projektant od najranijih faza projektovanja obavesti o izabranim varijantama, rešenjima detalja, materijala i slično i ponudi mu svu svoju pomoć tokom izrade projektne dokumentacije. Ovako je tehnička kontrola dokumentacije gotova onog dana kada je i Projekat spakovan za predaju Investitoru.

    Sa srećom!

  • What should I do after graduating?

    What should I do after graduating? I am graduating next year (civil engineering). Should I do masters directly? Should I do software courses (AutoCAD, ETABS, etc.) and start working for 1 year or 2 then go for masters?

    I worked as a Designer until I passed the State Exam and got Licenses as a Design Engineer and as Urbanist for Roads. It lasted about 3 years.
    Then I enrolled and attended the complete Postgraduate studies for Magisterial Science. It continued for two semesters (1 year). I did not take any exams and did not do any academic work during these studies or even after. At the lectures, I got a lot of valuable information and met some interesting people from the profession. The acquired knowledge helped me, but I continued to self-study the essential topics by reading articles and papers from colleagues.
    Nevertheless, what helped me in my career was most of the work and practice of working with experienced Engineers. There I was formed as a designer, and later in other areas (Supervisor, Project Manager). Through time I could, based on my own experience, give my opinion on each of the Theses that featured the articles and papers. Knowledge and expertise accumulated through practice in work and self-education. That is why I now feel the need to write and answer your questions, hoping to help you a little bit.

  • Sport

    For 20 years, on a daily basis, actively, I practiced some of the sporting activities. From the age of 6 to 26. I spent most of this time preparing for top results. I quickly gave up individual sports because I was very young and thought with (wrong) that my personality did not correspond to individual games. The elderly advised me, quite the contrary. I went with a line of lesser resistance and dealt with collective sports. You are allowed to have some bad day, you will be covered by another. Individual sports require maximum at all times from you, it was too hard for my young brain. Every game I approached, first and foremost, with the attention that one of my buddies has already dealt with me and that I will have a good company for the training. I was so saturated that I showed exceptional flexibility and diversity in several sports that I dealt with at that time. For no one I was not particularly talented, but I had a clear and quick mind and physical predetermination. I learned the basics in no time, recognized the individual pattern behavior and the team as a collective, and set to myself one goal: not to be the worst and weakest link in the team. I devoted myself to this work, regularly trained and came to the first post of a team. Then I raised my goal. Not to be the worst and weakest link of the first post. Again, you learn through practice, fix weaknesses, find where you are the most useful element of the team, complement each other, and the team becomes one organism. Individuals have good and bad days, but we complement each other, and the team meets the set tasks. We win. We are going to a higher ranking of the competition. And we are progressing, matured and going into an even higher ranking of the competition. We were all young in power and the moment came when a decision had to be made, whether we would continue to deal with sports or something else in our lives professionally. As I was dealing with sports because of the people I spent most of my waking day and youth, not because of the game itself, and it’s time for us to grow apart, and for everyone to go for their destiny, so I chose to be in my life something else. I thought it was a pity that I did not pass on all the experience I had learned, so I found a team that was ahead of the extinguishing, attracted several friends who thought the same way and breathed life into the new group, transferred what was learned and withdrew from the active sports life. Today the club has representatives of different ages in several grades at all levels of competition. It was the period of life when I was the strongest, the fastest, sharp and quick thinking, the bearer of the instant decision, tactically ready, able to take on creating a strategy that leads to success, willing to be a team player and prepared to lead the team. I was healthy, active, mentally and physically. And I stopped there.

    Image result for handball

    Here the time of physical activity and good habits is completely interrupted. Zero. I did not run humanely, and even if I did it, by bus, the whole body’s reaction would be incredible. Everything is written in the muscular code and somewhere in the brain. I managed to archive, zip and make it out of use. In the period after the termination with physical activities, I ranged from +10 to +20 kg of surplus. High blood pressure. Glasses. Teeth. I have cramps in the knees and back. Metabolism is on 5%. Catastrophically, but I still did not do anything. I rubbed a piece by piece and went further into ruin. Everything under the slogan, now that’s the situation, it has to be done, and that’s enough activity. I also tried different food systems. For two full years, I ate only fresh food, vegetables, and fruits. Adding a little fish canned and white cheese. The situation with metabolism has been corrected, with weight and pain, but it is not a system that is sustainable if not exercise. No one is. I made cardinal errors and practically reduced my existence, physical, to pure survival. I should have started writing and reading what I wrote to bring the facts to the brain and to think of all of them. Of course, I read a million times, or someone told me what to do and what I needed, and I knew best what I really needed. And I did not do anything until the moment I read my own words on the screen. As long as your own stupidity can lead you.

    Free stock photo of fashion, shoes, blur, sport



  • Live and let live

    You are responsible for all your actions, only you. Responsibility is personal, and there is nothing like collective responsibility. Only you are responsible for the decisions in your life, which you lead. Do not take responsibility for other people’s choices, do not get involved. If you are a true friend, listen to everything that will be said to you, patiently and personally. Give comfort to your friend and support to persist and to deal with his problem. Do not judge someone’s actions. Like you, they never tell the whole story because they are ashamed of discovering some details or simply forgetting some key moments, thoughts, sentences stated or not pronounced. By allowing him to tell you everything, you help him put all thoughts in his head in place, fill in memory holes, and become aware of all the events that led to his problem and the situation in which he is now. If you were in a similar position, give him solace that it will be better because it is better for you now. You expect this for him too. Only that. We have to solve our problems personally.
    How I’m going through life. With a smile on my face because it’s much better to meet someone or have a conversation with someone when working, make yourself at least smiling and friendly. A positive approach to every problem is the only way to solve it. Every day is full of challenges. Try to choose those good ones that are worth your time and effort to resolve them. Ignore the other. With a smile.
    Only a few people, throughout your life, wish you really good. All the rest are vampires, ticks that drain your energy, time, money, and nerves. Make sure you recognize these good people and build a friendship with them for life. Why is this crucial? Shure, we are convinced that it is easier for a person to tell someone else the pains that troubled his soul. Even if it is supported by the person in front of you, in the form of a confirmation that your anxiety is mutual, how much this helps you to fill your soul with peace? Indeed, their experiences are not the same as yours, and they have limited experience, their own, everything else is the theory (what kind of monologues they have in the head while listening to your story, simply human, “Please leave me alone”, which is fine if you put yourself in their position).
    If you care to solve your problems, I underline “if”, they can’t help you. A close friend who has the same problem? So he did not solve it, how can he help you at all? They only can give you comfort, but this does not address any of your problems. Remember that all happy families are the same, and each is unhappy in its own way. You have to figure out how to solve it because you are the only one, which has all the information that can lead to solving the problem for you, and this is the real solution to the situation just right for you. This is the only way because you will indeed conceal some precious information from others, because of shame or whatever it seems to you right at that moment, or you just forgot. From that moment on, you have no real help from others, even if they want to help you sincerely. Through conversation with others, you can recall the moment you made a mistake, and why and this can be useful. Still, you have to observe your problem from all sides, embrace him, find his roots and everything that has gone wrong on the way, return to the beginning of the wrong turn (decision), and go again, now in the right direction. It’s tough to do for the real and severe problems that are troubling us. It’s the only way. Everything else is a wasting of time and procrastination. You have to, if you care, and if you have internal strength. All the others can only give you comfort in your independent battle. Good God, family, friends, priest.
    All, without exception, want to be heard to the end. People need to be heard and let them present whatever ideas they have if you recognize that they believe in the concept, the depth of their soul, and have enough personal experience supporting these beliefs. I’ve always been curious to see the essence of these beliefs. I enjoy these conversations the same as when I read a good book or a good quality article. For small discussions, I never had the understanding or the babble on social networks. I know where I belong and where my place is, and I do not need proof of affiliation to something or somewhere.
    If you want to make progress in life, you have to take risks. When you risk, there will be slips and challenge periods. Accept this, fix your thoughts, find your mistakes only you are interested in, all the other accusations that it is someone else’s fault, a set of circumstances, everything that you can not influence, that’s not what interests you.
    I’ve never played a safe ticket. I was always the first to get out of the safe zone and take all the risks for everything in life. Sometimes I played well, but sometimes I experienced a fiasco. Today, it allows me to receive the worst and best of conscience with a smile and complete calmness. I’ve fallen so many times in my life, stumbled, touched the bottom that this is a well-known condition and an inspiration for a new beginning. Life, work, love, happiness, misfortune, everything has a form of a sinusoid in time. Go ups and downs, and driving is never dull.
    Do not take others’ ideas and successes as your own. I’ve seen too many times how this is happening. Most often, after a while, it turns out that it was not such a good idea or that apparent success is a big failure in the long run. People do not understand that when they have takeover an idea, they have taken over the consequences of this idea and have taken responsibility for these consequences. I believe that you do not take responsibility for the actions of anyone else, except for yours. If you can’t solve the problem, improve your knowledge, invent, create your ideas. Be modest when your plan is accepted, but be utterly sure that the system of implementing the approach is correct and that it is beneficial in the long run. Be cautious because there are many areas of life with which the idea can touch, come to the collision, cut off, and stop. Since no one can be an expert in all areas, you must be aware of your limitations in examining the possible consequences of your idea in those other areas.
    Humbly, with a publicly announced fence, give your ideas in other areas where you are a layman. There are many restrictions, but it should not prevent you from creating and leaving your safe zone. Publicly state that there are unknowns whose influence is beyond your comprehension. It regularly happens that a team is formed around an idea whose members are complemented in the fields of expertise and make the endurance and feasibility of the concept much broader. This is the fundamental principle of creating teams around the Project (Idea).
    For a dignified life in the 21st century, there is no need for an incredible money and unbelievable fame. You could never drive two cars at the same time, sleep in three houses and three beds. It would be best to have an oasis where you will feel safe and relaxed at work and for the time spent with those you love. You have to do both by yourself. It is your responsibility. It is a battle for the essential things in life, and you have to bring all of your skills and all the work into that struggle. Never withdraw from assignments that your life gives you. Make them the best you can, perfected through practice, learn new skills to the next time could do more and faster. We all start from scratch. It is just our decision how high we will grow over. If you recognize a chance, use it. It is only your responsibility, and all decisions are yours. Why I persistently reiterate that our life is our responsibility and that we have to have realistic goals. You have to stay yourself because the value system has been entirely disordered for a very long time (generations). Everywhere in the world is disturbed. Those who are aware of the fundamental values of an individual all have the same, known, realistic goals. They say it publicly. And everyone knows that they can only be reached with responsible and dedicated work. All shortened, advertised, wild, illegal, unreasonable, unrealistic life paths should be avoided. So you stay on your own. Nothing in your life will be given to you as a gift. The few rich people on the planet were just lucky at the right moment in the right place. Or they were born in such a background, or it was a mere coincidence that they had shown such a chance, that they were thrown at their feet, and they raised it and did not drop it until all possible benefits from it were exhausted, by work again. Such a chance to hit any of us ordinary people is flat zero. Statistics show that most of them are a bit below the average for intelligence and education. Therefore, when setting your own goals, be realistic, smart, working, working, and working out all the power to reach them. Only this way and no other way.

  • Old school

    I’m part of the Old school. I grew up on the stories and advice of mature and experienced, partly from parents, on the stories from classic literature, and how the technology has developed, on the good ideas that the technology has brought. I went through all the qualitative leaps that technology created and adopted them to make good progress in life. With new technology, I could learn more, make more, and faster develop myself. Since the first days as they have appeared, I have been self-informed about systems like GTD (GettingThingsDone). Thirty years ago. I had my system, at that time, called the Finish the Job. I applied my approach exclusively to work. Since my parents and the old writers left me pearls of wisdom for life, like, “What you started, finished or you do not start at all”, “Live and let live”, “Don’t do anything to someone, if you will not like that to be done to you”… We have books full of this, like “Signs by the roadside”, Ivo Andric. I hold on to them. Today, there are hundreds of some kind of systems, and they all have in some part real-life essence. Usually, they share the standard quality. What is right, which lasts for decades, if not longer, is the following.
    You need to set long-term goals (1 and 5 years). If you want to have meaningful lives, you need to know where you’re going and when you will get there. For me, these were essential areas of my existence. Health, Love, Job. If you set for yourself long-term goals, and If you went through this process honestly and disciplined, in a short time, you will have a list of activities that you need to maintain daily. Most people do this unconsciously, with intuition, but people on this path get lost with the hazy and undefined long-term goals. Life puts, additionally, lots of sheets over your head like Wars, State bankruptcy, the loss of loved ones, divorce, change of job, new beginnings from scratch… It’s hard to correct your behavior and everyday actions if you do not have clearly defined goals and even an approximate period for their achievement (for me, these periods are 1 and 5 years, after all that happens in the recent past). When you set your long-term goals and meaningfully distribute them on the micro (daily) activities, another essential step remains.
    Self-discipline. These daily activities need to be transformed into good everyday habits, as they last for an extended period. There is a whole science about developing good daily habits, how to grow them, and how to keep them. What has worked for me from Day One is “instant action”. Without thinking, looking for motives, preparing an environment, delaying for irrelevant problems … make an action. Later, the global procedure is given, such as motivation-action-reward, a comfortable environment, and others blah, blah…
    To start with, immediately switch to an active state and begin with the first action as soon as you opened your eyes in the morning. And then, with the next step, and so on until you finish everything you set for that day. Do not think, do not wait for the sky to fall on your head. Just go ahead. It’s hard for the first few months, but progress is rapidly seen, and both the brain and the body are getting adapted to the better, which enormously increases self-discipline, completely unconscious.
    In the beginning, I made a list of activities for tomorrow and performed them on the “eat that frog and MITs (Most important tasks)” principles (I later heard that terms). Something remarkable happens then. Naturally, started to separates the blocks of time during the day, in which specific actions were repeated every day. This is also logical because if these goals are explicitly defined, it is in your nature that you have periods during the day that are most suitable for their accomplishment through activities. Morning personal hygiene, bedding after bedtime, gymnastic, breakfast, coffee, reading news and articles, writing, warming up for that day, it’s logical to be in the morning section. Setting up a bed for sleep, dinner, evening personal hygiene, reading, sleeping is reasonable to be in the evening segment. The segment of time you spend at work has its contents and activities. The afternoon block, consumed with the family at home, has its activities in the house and outdoors at a walk in fresh air. This happens as an entirely natural process. It was later explained as the easiest way to acquire good habits, put together those they correspond to, at daily rituals, as I described above. For me, it was then called the Daily Routine. Today it is called Rituals. There is the natural routine of your metabolism, as the process of nutrition. Digestion of food from 20h to 04h, cleaning from 04h to 12h, and food consumption from 12h to 20h. This is related to the natural cycles of day and night. We’re so made. Also confirmed are the natural division of the day on 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work, and 8 hours of rest. You just need to make a schedule of these activities that suits you best during the day. With years, the needs for some of these primary activities are changing and their plan during the day. Your personal arrangement is naturally imposed by routines for each period of your life.
    It is dangerous if you do not have determined goals because then you enter into the vicious cycle of bad habits. Every day look like each other without any fundamental shifts in everything you do. Sounds like you can see the future because you know exactly what you’re going to do tomorrow, and you’ll do the same things for the next 5 years there, every day. It is not a pretty future, is not it?
    The basic idea of this whole story is incredibly presented in the movie “Groundhog Day”. In the film, completely lost character, entirely sarcastic to all the importance of life, unscrupulously ambitious because he thinks that the world spins around him, with a colossal Ego, with an utterly disturbing understanding of values, with a distorted view of the social and moral norms and relations between people and sexes, just a typical man of this days. Actually, this is even worse today. He is so close to us that he is likable in all that chaotic existence. Beginning with the process of sobering. At the start, he meets his lowest desires like money, sex, overeating, drinking, lying, disrespecting anyone and anything, breaking all norms and moral rules. Demolition of all restrictions that may be placed on an intelligent human being. When he realizes that this does not fulfill him, all of this making everything worse, he tries to set a goal for himself but again, against any natural laws. He’s trying to change someone else’s will and to force someone else to love him. He hits the wall again because he has no power to free himself from all the false habits inflicted on him, and he sets the wrong goals all the time. At that moment, incapable of understanding what is happening to him, what is the state’s point in which he is, he tries to end his agony. Again, the wrong goal is set up with a line of lesser resistance against all the natural rules. He realizes that this is not a solution. His behavior is definitely a problem. Let’s see, what can be set up as a worthy long-term goal, which our guy would finally fulfill, as an intelligent and self-conscious human being, positively perfect in what he does? He is a man who lives by his words. Of course, he will read everything he can to open his horizons and create the greatest he can in this area. He will enjoy the best food offered to him but within limits. He will help those who are not that lucky. He will reconcile with the pain that occurs when natural laws come into play and when dear people leave us. Force majeure. He will reconcile itself to the deaths of others and make easy their last hours on earth as much as he can. He will change his attitude towards others for the better because these small acts of goodness, which are returned with gratitude, heal the soul and make you redeem yourself for all the bad things you did while you were unconscious, lost. He will also develop his artistic side, the creative part. He will recognize the beauty of art and will feel his need to realize himself through it. He owed all this to himself from the moment he came to this situation. So we owe it to ourselves.
    When these healthy habits are rooted in your personality, it is easy to vary them and adapt to setting goals. Some goals will be achieved much faster than you planned (set a higher purpose and keep on going), some were unrealistically set in the start (you did not have enough information to shape them properly, so this adjustment is now on the move), but you have enough self-discipline in you now to go to the end. You have meaning.
    The most important habit I have developed for all these years is, using the time I take for myself before the end of the day to manage in my mind all day long behind me and dedicate this time to myself. This habit was created when I had many complicated feelings, that if I would lie to sleep, all those thoughts, ideas, strong bad and good feelings simply did not allow me to fall asleep and rest. Then I started, before bedtime, to take a little time to recognize my thoughts, and if some ideas are so powerful or some feelings are entirely overwhelmed my mind, I put everything down on paper. Just write everything. It would merely empty that electricity, which carries through my nervous system and brain, and completely free me from the current misery. I’m asleep as a baby, and by tomorrow I’m like a new one. I never slept for more than 7 hours, and with 6, I have enough sleep hours. Rested, tomorrow I will be proactive in dealing with all those thoughts from the previous evening. I accept good ideas whose resolution has purpose and mining, and I reject all those bad problems that would only take my precious energy and time. This habit is part of my evening routine.
    Every morning and this should become part of your morning routine, read the short daily news, just informative, and separate a few articles that encourage your curiosity to learn. The news is generally, in 99% of cases, terrible. Sensationalism will become elaborated, and an ordinary man will be discomfort. The main reason why this lousy news affects your spiritual condition is the feeling of powerlessness. You have to overcome this because you can’t do anything about that. The impact of these events on your life, not exist. Scan only titles to have extremely shallow information, and go on. Do not spend on the news more than 5 minutes per day. Articles and columns are other forms of information that should stimulate your curiosity and should be read with insight. It is an entirely subjective view of the topics, but catch that content is as varied as possible.
    I learn skills that allow me to teach myself what I need (self-learning). This will follow you all your life. Unfortunately, school systems are totally obsolete. I will mention only one fact, that the summer break is 2 months, this has been kept since children had to help their parents in the grain fields and were unable to attend classes. This was introduced for centuries behind. No school system has valuable knowledge for children such as “learn how to learn”, organize their ideas and thoughts, evolve in what they are best, and what fits their personality. Teach him to catch a fish so you will not have to keep fishing for him. Instead, children are flooded with irrelevant facts that they can find in 2.5 seconds on the Internet when they need it. Children are forced to learn what they are not interested in (to achieve a better average grade). It’s a waste of valuable time because they could spend it on exceptional developments in what they are interested in, and what they want to learn, literally everything that can be discovered in this branch. Give them wind in the back of what they are interested in, and gain them to be informed in general knowledge. You will see how our children are not lazy, and that in each of them, no longer crouching little genius, but jumping and running. Therefore, you need to learn how alone you can reach the knowledge you need. School and college will give you partially that. Before the Internet, I spend every buck buying books from which I could learn what I needed and what I was interested in. Today, everything can be absorbed through the Internet. There I get new knowledge every day. You have to learn your whole life (because you want it and you love it), which is the only way to survive and progress. I developed this habit, and it’s is in my afternoon routine.

  • Novak Đoković

    He is real and undisputed KING !!

  • Kursevi – Courses

    Završio sam trenutno kurseve iz opusa Asian Efficiency programa:
    I currently finished the courses from opus of Asian Efficiency Programme:

    – Rituals
    – AE Primer
    – Omnifocus
    – Productivity BluePrint

    Odslušao sam i :
    I attended a:

    – Morning ritual starter kit
    – Beter sleep
    – Dojo lessons

    Trenutno čitam:
    Currently reading:

    – “Menadžment – učite od najboljih”, Frank Arnold
    – “Management – Von den Besten lernen”, Frank Arnold

    Na osnovu ovog programa uređeno:
    On the basis of this program is regulated:

    – Jutarnji, dnevni, popodnevni i večernji rituali – Morning, daily, afternoon and evening rituals
    – Postavljen sistem u OmniFocusu i primenjen – Placed system in OmniFocus and applied
    – Postavljen sistem procesuiranja Mejlova – Advanced workflow – Placed e-mails processing system
    – Ispoštovan AE GTD – Respected AE GTD
    – Korigovane skoro sve loše navike, a usvojene sve esencijalne dobre – Adjusted almost all bad habits, and adopted all of the essentially good

    Po mom mišljenju program Asian Efficiency je jedan od najboljih koje trenutno možete da pohađate. Sveobuhvatan, najbliži odnosu 1 na 1, stalno osvežavanih sadržaja adaptacijama trenutku u kome živimo i potvrdama stavova koji su dati u materijalu kroz lična iskustva. Tim koji stoji iza programa je profesionalan, mlad i posvećen onome što propagira.

    In my opinion the program Asian Efficiency is one of the best that you can currently attend. A comprehensive, closest to the “1 on 1”, the content is constantly refreshed adaptations in moment in which we live and certificates attitudes that are given in the material through personal experience. The team behind the program is a professional, young and dedicated to what he promotes.

    Link: Asian Efficiency

  • Big hopes for next 2015 .

    Big hopes for next 2015.

    2014-10-30 19.23.30

  • 2013

    Prođe i ova nikakva 2012. Daleko joj lepa kuća. Stigla nova i lepša 2013. Da nam svima bude i bolja.



  • Stop Stealing Dreams (the entire manifesto on the web)

    Stop Stealing Dreams (the entire manifesto on the web)

    By Seth Godin


    The economy has changed, probably forever.

    School hasn’t.

    School was invented to create a constant stream of compliant factory workers to the growing businesses of the 1900s. It continues to do an excellent job at achieving this goal, but it’s not a goal we need to achieve any longer.

    In this 30,000 word manifesto, I imagine a different set of goals and start (I hope) a discussion about how we can reach them. One thing is certain: if we keep doing what we’ve been doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’ve been getting.

    Our kids are too important to sacrifice to the status quo.


  • List of Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks

    List of Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    “The following is a list of Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks as designated by the American Society of Civil Engineers since it began the program in 1964. The designation is granted to projects, structures, and sites in the United States (National Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks) and the rest of the world (International Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks). As of 2011, there are 254 landmarks included on the list.[1] Sections or chapters of the American Society of Civil Engineers may also designate state or local landmarks within their areas; those landmarks are not listed here.”


  • Ponedeljak

    Volim početak. Volim ponedeljak. Volim da probudim ukućane i da ih pokrenem, svako jutro. Posebno to volim da uradim ponedeljkom. Ponedeljkom pokidane veze od petka ponovo zaceljuju. Mlade su, kao nove. Čak i one koje su u prošli petak skoro izdahnule. Dobijaju drugu priliku, idu na popravni. Ponedeljkom mi ništa nije teško, sve može… Umori me ponedeljak, lepo i potpuno i kada dođe utorak on već ima istoriju, nekako je ozbiljan i svi idu negde kao da znaju gde su pošli, fokusirani i odlučni. To me fascinira prolazeći ulicom. Dok mi u glavi vri od muzike sa sluški, gledam face prolaznika, direktno i bezobrazno. Ne primećuju me. Fokus, napred ali kao da stvarno znaju gde su pošli. To me i zabavlja. Stvarno. Pa čoveče, ja nemam pojma u šta se upuštam svako jutro, a ne gde sam pošao. Samo se nadam. Sutra je utorak, ozbiljan jedan. Praviću se da neznam, možda i on zaboravi pa bude opet ponedeljak. To bi bilo super.

  • Get efficient with the Finder’s sidebar | Business Center | Working Mac | Macworld

    Get efficient with the Finder’s sidebar | Business Center | Working Mac | Macworld: “
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    Apr 13, 2009 4:20 pm7 Comments + 5 RecommendationsShareThis
    Get efficient with the Finder’s sidebar
    Hop to folders, volumes, and files using this shortcut
    by Kirk McElhearn,

    Whenever you’ve got a Finder window open, the sidebar can give you one-click access to the items you use most. Items here are arranged by category—Devices, Shared, Places, and Search For. Hide or reveal a category’s items by clicking on the disclosure triangle next to the category name. Click and drag any item away from the sidebar to make it disappear in a puff of smoke. “

    (Via .)

  • Probni prvi post

    Danas sam instalirao MarsEdit i napravio blog stranu uspesno. Jeeeee!