Tag: education

  • Kursevi – Courses

    Završio sam trenutno kurseve iz opusa Asian Efficiency programa:
    I currently finished the courses from opus of Asian Efficiency Programme:

    – Rituals
    – AE Primer
    – Omnifocus
    – Productivity BluePrint

    Odslušao sam i :
    I attended a:

    – Morning ritual starter kit
    – Beter sleep
    – Dojo lessons

    Trenutno čitam:
    Currently reading:

    – “Menadžment – učite od najboljih”, Frank Arnold
    – “Management – Von den Besten lernen”, Frank Arnold

    Na osnovu ovog programa uređeno:
    On the basis of this program is regulated:

    – Jutarnji, dnevni, popodnevni i večernji rituali – Morning, daily, afternoon and evening rituals
    – Postavljen sistem u OmniFocusu i primenjen – Placed system in OmniFocus and applied
    – Postavljen sistem procesuiranja Mejlova – Advanced workflow – Placed e-mails processing system
    – Ispoštovan AE GTD – Respected AE GTD
    – Korigovane skoro sve loše navike, a usvojene sve esencijalne dobre – Adjusted almost all bad habits, and adopted all of the essentially good

    Po mom mišljenju program Asian Efficiency je jedan od najboljih koje trenutno možete da pohađate. Sveobuhvatan, najbliži odnosu 1 na 1, stalno osvežavanih sadržaja adaptacijama trenutku u kome živimo i potvrdama stavova koji su dati u materijalu kroz lična iskustva. Tim koji stoji iza programa je profesionalan, mlad i posvećen onome što propagira.

    In my opinion the program Asian Efficiency is one of the best that you can currently attend. A comprehensive, closest to the “1 on 1”, the content is constantly refreshed adaptations in moment in which we live and certificates attitudes that are given in the material through personal experience. The team behind the program is a professional, young and dedicated to what he promotes.

    Link: Asian Efficiency

  • Stop Stealing Dreams (the entire manifesto on the web)

    Stop Stealing Dreams (the entire manifesto on the web)

    By Seth Godin


    The economy has changed, probably forever.

    School hasn’t.

    School was invented to create a constant stream of compliant factory workers to the growing businesses of the 1900s. It continues to do an excellent job at achieving this goal, but it’s not a goal we need to achieve any longer.

    In this 30,000 word manifesto, I imagine a different set of goals and start (I hope) a discussion about how we can reach them. One thing is certain: if we keep doing what we’ve been doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’ve been getting.

    Our kids are too important to sacrifice to the status quo.
